Monday, November 20, 2006

Bernd Olbrich - Germany

Contribution from Bernd Olbrich, Kassel, Germany. He made a xerox-collage out of the wall. Fascinating to see how the wall has grown. So many windows. This might be the basis for a complete new project.... (maybe a digital version.... Just download this image, and add something to it. Send the digital image to and I will see how the collection grows......

Eddie A.C. - England (backside)

The back-side of Eddie's contribution (from England. The windows he cut out, he made them into this collage with text.

Eddie A.C. - England (frontside)

Art for Uhuru, Eddie A.C, England.

Ruud Janssen - Holland

Contribution by myself. Just a short message in little blocks. Ruud Janssen, Breda, Netherlands.

Klaus Groh - Germany

Contribution from Klaus Groh, Edewecht, Germany.

Marcello Diotailevi - Italy

Contribution from Marcello Diotailevi, Fano, Italy. H plavced some of his selfportraits on the walls, as if he was looking out of the windows.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Roger Theo Nupie - Belgium

Contribution from Roger in Belgium. A crucifis was drawn on the wall....

Antonio Tregnaghi - Italy

Contribution by LastEXIT, Antonio Tregnaghi, Lucca, Italy. Here the wall is painted yellow. Seems like a nice job to hang down there and paint.....

Friedrich Winnes - East-Germany

Contribution from Friedrich Winnes in East-Berlin, DDR. In those days the text "Kunst ist Waffe (Volkskunst Geheimwaffe!)" had a very special meaning. Art was used in special ways.

Kazumori Murakami - Japan

Contribution that comes unmistakenly from Japan. Kazumori Murakami from Hyogo-Ken in Japan sent this one back

Manfrid Martin - East-Germany

contribution from Manfred Martin, Leizpig, East-Germany (before the wall was down).

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Henning Mittendorf - Germany

Contribution by Henning Mittendorf, West-Germany. He used a text by Wilfried Rash (Forensische Sozialtheratie) in 1977 on this wall, with the title: " Strafvollzug".

SHeila Holz - USA

Contribution by Sheila Holz, USA.

Lon Spiegelman - USA

contribution from Lon Spiegelman, Los Angeles, USA. He wrote this letter on the backside of the conribution. The typical rubberstamps are based on Lon's drawings. I recognize them always...

Margot van Oosten - Netherlands

contribution by Margot van Oosten, Delft, Netherlands. She formed together with Sonja van den Burg, Den Haag, the famous " Afzet" which published lots of materials in the 80-ies.

Artfoot 84 - USA

contribution from Artfoot 84, Berkeley, USA.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Marisa da Riz - Italy

"Two writings", 1984. Contribution by Marisa da Riz, Padova, Italy.

Franz-Josef Weber - West-Germany

Eyes of the wall by Franz Josef Weber (DHMAL KUNST CHELM) in Siegen, West-Germany.

Volker Hawan - West-Germany

Volker Hawan (West-Germany) wrote this text on the back-side of one sheet. The idea of Nuclear Patterns......

Mogens Otto Nielsen - Denmark

Contribution by Mogens Otto Nielsen, Denmark. He printed his large "He-Art" stamp on the paper.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

C.W. Summers - USA

contribution from C.W. Summers, USA. The text "Has the whole idea gotten out of HAND" has to do with the situation in the USSR in those times.

Ryosuke Cohen - Japan

contribution by Ryosuke Cohen from Japan. Collage.

Expo at Artestudio, Ponta Nossa, Italy.



TAM eats TAM

performance TAM eats TAM. 1985 in Ponta Nossa, Italy.

the expo - Ponta Nossa - Italy - Artestudio.

hanging up the collection

Expo Italy

expo italy - poster 2

Expo in Italy

expo italy - poster 1