Friday, October 13, 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Guillermo Deisler - Bulgaria

Contribution from Guillermo Deisler. He lived in Bulgaria back in 1985. Leter he moved to Eastern Germany.

Arno Arts - Netherlands

Contribution from Arno Art, we will remember his name, he lives in Arnhem, Netherlands

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Alfred Viola - USA

Alfred Viola, Los Angeles, USA.

Paulo Bruscky - Brasil

Contribution by Paulo Bruscky, Recife, Brasil.

Henning Mittendorf - Germany

Contribution by Henning Mittendorf, Frankfurt, West-Germany. He used a text by Theodor W. Adorno, written in 1969.

Joseph W. Huber - DDR

Contribution from Joseph W. Huber, Berlin, former East-Germany. Joseph died some years ago....

Letter - 4

Arranging the exhibition in Amsterdam took quite some preperation. The correspondence you can see below. The Melkweg arranges an assistant for me and payed the hotel for my 3-day stay in Amsterdam to build up the exhibition.

Fourth letter from Melkweg.

Letter - 3

Third letter from Melkweg

Letter - 2

Second Letter from Melkweg

Letter - 1

First letter from Melkweg.

Newsletter - No 1.

The explenation that the collection will start to travel. At that time 365 contributions from 32 countries had arrived in the Netherlands

Invitation-text - in dutch

Text written for the invitation to the exhibition at the Milkyway Gallery (in Dutch)

Thank You note

A thank you note I sent to the contributors after they returned a sheet for the collection.

Invitation Melkweg

Collage made for the invitation for the exhibition at the "Melkweg" in Amsterdam.

Melkweg Magazine - Netherlands

The official magazine of the Milkyway Gallery and music center (Melkweg). As you can see the wall was printed on the cover of their magazine that is distributed inside Amsterdam and to cultural insitutes throughout the Netherlands. A Dutch text explaining mail-art and the project was written for this issue by me.

Harry Fox - USA

The other side of Harry Fox's contribution. Sent as a card.

Harry Fox - USA

Contribution by Harry Fox, USA. He used one of my 'thank-you' walls and added on that one. The other side was also decorated and as a card this contribution arrived at my P.O. Box.

Johan van Geluwe - Belgium

Eyes, sent by Johan van Geluwe, Museum of Museums in Belgium.

Friday, October 06, 2006

TAM was HERE - Tomato Version

A special video made for the TAM was HERE collection. WHen the project was done, video-contributions weren't possible yet. But as you can see, the new ages have increased the possibilities...

Monday, October 02, 2006

D. Mc Limans - USA

Wonderful collage & drawing done by D. Mc Limans MA, USA.

Ursula - USA

Another text-collage. This time from Ursula in USA,

Mc Guff - USA

Contribution from Mc Guff in USA. Texts collaged on the wall. Click on the image if you have trouble reading small letters....

Clemente Padin - Uruguay

Text: "Don't forget the Facism". Typically a contribution from Clemente Padin in Uruguay.

E.V. - Belgium

E.V. from Belgium sent this rather aggressive collage.


A quite funny contribution. Anonymous off course. It reads: "WC, 25c for entry please". And on the wall it reads: "And pissed here".

Damilo Ribero - Brasil

Damilo Ribero from Brasil added a text to the wall: "God was here".

Rudi Wilderjans - Belgium

Contribution from Rudi Wilderjans in Belgium. Again a collage.

Alyandre I - France

Contribution from Alyandre I. France. A collage.

David Hunter - USA

Contribution from David Hunter. He then still lived in Newcastle, USA. A 'bloody' contribution....

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Guy Bleus 42.292 - Belgium

Contribution from the Administration Centre in Wellen, Belgium. A typical work of Guy Bleus 42.292.

Anna Banana - Canada

Contribution by Anna Banana in Canada. The text indicates that she used selfportraits from het past....

Lucio Kume - Brasil

Contribution from Lucio Kume, St. Paulo in Brasil.

Vittore Baroni - Italy

TRAX, a contribution from Vittore Baroni in Italy.

Unknown -

There is light behind the windows....

Mad Michael - France

Contribution from Fraction Studio - Mad Michel in France. He runs the music-label "No Unauthorized.

Antonio Gomez - Spain

The text reads: "She is really different" and "We are not like THAT".

Jürgen Schön - Germany

This contribution from Juergen Schoen, Koeln, Germany was quite dificult to reproduce. The windows can be openen and one sees a horrible view. For the scanned image I opened some of the windows so you know how it looked like.

Giovanni Strada - Italy

Contribution that one should recognize. Giovanni Strada from Italy always works with circles. On this wall combined with his collage it just looks great.

Pete Horobin - Scottland

Contribution by Pete Horobin in Scottland. He was heavily involved with his CELL and DATA project back then.

Arturo G. Fallico - USA

Contribution by Arturo G. Fallico in USA. He choosed to make a collage on the wall.


After the first exhibition in the Milkyway Gallery (Melkweg Gallerij) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, I typed out this list of all the contributors to this project. Quite a historical list with names you might know. The cans are high resolution, so click on them to read the details.

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

HSKJ - Iceland

Contribution by HSKJ. I believe he lived in Iceland. It remeberes me to put online the complete names-list of all the participants. There were 35 countries involved in this project with hundreds of contributions....

Mogens Otto Nielsen - Denmark

Contribution by Mogens Otto Nielsen in Denmark. Better known as Armosphere Controlled.

Joseph Semah - Netherlands

Another contribution by Joseh Semah, Amsterdam, Netherlands. He burned holes in one paper and added a second (copy) on the back. It creates this unreal look. Joseph nowadays ia quite a famous artist in the Netherlands and I guess he has no time for mail-art these days.

Pierre Marquer - France

Contribution by Pierre Marquer, France. In the exhibition this contribution was't censored too because the image is kinda funny.